There appears to be great confusion among American religious leaders between what is really happening among some of the younger generation’s expressions of their faith. Is there a difference between “Emerging Church” and “Emergent Church” groups? If so, what is the difference and what is the impact on local expressions of faith through the church and cooperative associational ministry?
Read the following news summary and then let’s ask a few more questions about this movement.
- Emerging Church Dangers Go Far beyond 'Style Issues' reports that John MacArthur believes most Christians are not aware of the dangers posed by the "emergent church" movement, which he says is counter to scripture in its underlying theology. MacArthur's new book The Truth War: Fighting for Certainty in an Age of Deception, says while the emergent church talks of reaching people by appealing to the culture, emergent church leaders do not have a high regard for the unchanging truth of God's Word. And too many Christians aren't aware of the problems associated with that. (SOURCE:, Religion Today Summaries - June 21, 2007)
Do you have “Emergent Church” or “Emerging Church” leaders in your ministry area? Is there a difference? Are they deceived? Do they value the truth of scripture? Maybe they are on target trying to reach their culture and McArthur is off base? Which is it? Can it be both?
What must we do as associations to effectively minister to these young leaders? Do we defend them before other older church leaders in our area who do not understand this movement?
What should our position be in this movement?
bobby gilstrap, DoM
Huron & Southeastern Associations